Turnout Gear All-Welded Stock Lockers

Manufacturer: Hallowell
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FOB: Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas or California warehouse

Lead time: 2 weeks for Quick Ship items (indicated by red model numbers below). Otherwise, 8 weeks for production orders.

Hallowell Turnout Gear Locker Features:

  • Fully-framed, all-welded, rugged construction.
  • Maximum ventilation with expanded metal sides.
  • Upper shelf provides simple storage for helmets and head gear.
  • Without base models include ventilated bottom.
  • Open-front provides quick and easy access to gear and clothing.
  • 721 Relay Red hammertone textured powder coat finish.
  • BODY CONSTRUCTION: 13 gauge ½” flattened expanded metal.
  • FRAME: 16 gauge Hollow "T" tubular frame.
  • BODY STYLE: Open front.
  • DOOR: 14 gauge cold rolled sheet-steel.
  • HINGES: Two heavy-duty 13 gauge 7-knuckle 3-1/2".
  • HANDLE: Projecting combination spring-bolt/padlock hasp door pull.
  • EQUIPMENT: One Galvanneal hat/intermediate shelf and two single prong hooks. 1 fixed hat shelf.