Selective Structural Pallet Rack

Manufacturer: Meco Omaha
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse
Standard Color Gray
Made in the USA

Selective Structural Pallet Racks from Meco Omaha are designed in accordance with AISC and RMI Standards. Its beams are secured to the upright frames with plated, heavy duty nuts and bolts — which cannot be dislodged by forklift impact. The pallet rack installation is fast and easy with no special tools required.


  • Built for long-lasting performance.
  • Increased resistance to forklift damage due to thicker cross-section of structural members.
  • Custom pallet rack is designed by a dedicated engineering staff using state-of the- art CAD technology and years of experience.
  • Select the height of upright frames according to existing ceiling heights, sprinkler systems, and forklift limitations.

Please Note: Capacities are based on a uniformly distributed load over a pair of beams and are in accordance with AISC and RMI Standards. Deflection does not exceed 1/180 of the beam length. Load beams and related beam braces are sold as an integral unit.

Upright Frames:

  • Rigid, all-welded uprights provide storage capacity up to 52,200-lbs. per frame.
  • Upright frames and load beams are fabricated from structural channel with a minimum yield of 36,000 PSI.
  • Stated capacity of upright frames is based on a maximum vertical beam spacing of 60" inches.
  • Vertical beam spacing of less than 60" inches will result in the same stated capacity.
  • Vertical beam spacing includes the distance from the floor to the top of the lowest pair of load beams.
  • Frame depth is determined by the length of the pallet.
  • Standard pallet overhang is 3" front and back.
  • If a vertical beam spacing greater than 60" is required, contact Material Flow to determine upright frame capacity.
  • Frames are punched on 4" centers for maximum beam adjustability.

Load Beams: * Found in the "Options" tab

  • Special bracket for beams allows 2" adjustability up and down the frame.
  • When selecting the appropriate beam length, add a minimum of 10" to 2 pallet widths or 14" to 3 pallet widths. Additional spacing may be required for pallets with excessive load overhang.