BenchPro ESD Fabric Industrial Chairs

Manufacturer: BenchPro
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse

  • Triple Layer High Density Foam with Memory Foam.
  • Built-in Lumbar Support for true ergonomic seating.
  • 10-year unconditional warranty, including foam and fabric.
  • 450 lb. weight capacity.

Build your chair! Add casters or optional arm supports from the chart depending on your business needs.

BenchPro™ seating uses the highest grade fabrics (250,000 double rub wear resistant fabric). Cushions are ergonomically contoured for long term comfort and the seats have a waterfall front edge for increased blood flow. Built-in lower lumbar gives added back support. Extra wide, heavy duty base increases stability. Chairs with tilt: seat tilts 6 degrees forward, 6 degrees rearward, back tilts 15 degrees backward and 11 degrees forward. All products meet and exceed ANSI/BIFMA, CA117, GSA and DIN standards. No-tools assembly.