Stop and Go Lights

Manufacturer: Tri-Lite Inc
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FOB: Our Illinois Warehouse

The "Stop & Go" Light Set greatly increases worker safety and is the best visual communication package for most loading docks. The set consists of two light units, the SG10 and SG20, one for the inside of the dock and one for the outside. A six-foot communication cable connects the two units. The set operates with a toggle switch that controls the inside and outside lights. The SG30 can be ordered without the toggle switch (indicated by "NS" in the part number) for installations utilizing a remote switch. Remote switches can be obtained from an electrical contractor or installation professional; they are not offered by Tri Lite.

How the "Stop & Go" Light Set Works
When a truck is parked securely in the loading dock, the inside light is turned green. This indicates to the forklift driver that it is safe to enter the trailer. When the green light is on inside the building, the outside light is red, indicating that the truck should not move. Once the truck is unloaded, the inside light is turned to red. This tells the forklift driver to stay away from the truck. Simultaneously, the outside light is turned green, indicating it is now safe for the truck to pull away.

Common Applications:

  • Loading Docks.
  • Car Washes.
  • Parking Lots and Garages.
  • Drive Thru Windows.
  • Controlled Access Entrances.


  • Models with long life, energy efficient LEDs or economical incandescent signal lamps.
  • Available in two unit sets (for mounting on opposite sides of door) or single units that can stand alone or be connected to auxiliary safety systems.
  • Durable plastic housing (in safety yellow or black) will not rust, pit or corrode.
  • Integral eyebrow-type sun visors provide extended visibility while shielding the lights from rain and snow.
  • Shallow depth of unit reduces risk of damage and convenient mounting holes provide simple installation.
  • UL & cUL Listed - Available in 12VDC, 24VDC and 115VAC.
  • A simple, reliable and cost-effective way to reduce accidents around the loading dock.
  • Available in two colors: safety yellow or black.
  • Polypropylene housing will not rust, pit, dent or corrode like similar metal units.
  • Provides immediate and recognizable direction to drivers and loading dock staff, reducing the risk of confusion and error.
  • Choice of incandescent or LED lamps.
  • No switch option available for customers who want to supply their own controls.
  • Activated lights flash.