Steel Hand Trucks

Manufacturer: Fairbanks Company
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FOB: East Coast Warehouse
Made in the U.S.A

  • Features robotic welding for greater strength and consistency.
  • Includes large 8" x 14" nose plate with Super Slik™ raised runners to help slide load on and off with minimal effort.
  • D-Lock axle flattened on one side so it cannot rotate and cause wear.
  • Back lip on nose plate adds strength while holding small loads in place.
  • Curved crossbars hold load in place.
  • Extra long stair climbers provide added frame strength and ease loads over stairs and curbs.
  • Rugged ball bearing wheels for longer wear.
  • Hand trucks with semi-pneumatic wheels are available for the same price.
  • Green epoxy powder coated for a longer lasting finish.

Steel surcharge may apply.