Niko Rail Workstation Crane System

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FOB: Midwest Warehouse

  • Pre-engineered design makes ordering easy.
  • Made in the USA.

Niko Rail workstation crane systems provide an ergonomic and cost-effective solution to conventional overhead crane systems, particularly when there is a height and space restriction. Versatile and reliable overhead handling can be achieved for a variety of applications using the Niko Rail modular design. The robust design of our components and the high standard of manufacturing guarantees long life with the minimum of maintenance. Each system includes an enclosed track bridge, end trucks, load trolley, festoon system for bridge and trolley, runway columns, girders, headers, end stops, and indoor enamel paint finish. Pre-engineered design makes ordering easy, deliveries fast and installation quick and hassle-free. The all bolted construction and modular design makes it easy to add sections or to disassemble and relocate. Bridge Motorization is available. Hoist packages are available. Several additional bridge lengths and runway lengths available. Ceiling-mounted work area cranes and monorails also available.

*Steel surcharge may apply.