Mobile Open Leg Heavy Duty Workbench

Manufacturer: Pollard Bros MFG Co.
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse

  • Standard Open Leg Workbench with casters.
  • Caster options of 5" polyurethane or 6" phenolic.
  • 144/124 model comes equipped with lower shelf.
  • Available with 30", 32-1/4", 35" tall bench legs.
  • SLR is 1,400 - 3,300 lbs. of evenly dispersed weight.

Available in Pollard Green, Pollard Gray, Safety Blue or Safety Orange. Specify color when ordering. 

Caster Options

Standard 5" Polyurethane Casters
2 rigid, 2 swivel with brake.
Suggested Load Range: 1,400 lbs.

Extra Heavy Duty 6" Phenolic Casters
2 rigid, 2 swivel with brakes.
Suggested Load Range: 3,200 lbs.

All Swivel Casters

See Options below for Pollard Work Bench Accessories.