Mighty Line Diagonal Striped Floor Tapes White and Red

Manufacturer: ShieldMark INC
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse

  • Separates pedestrian traffic from motorized vehicles.
  • Illuminates walkways during power failures.
  • 5S lean manufacturing improvements.
  • Color code different areas with specific color tapes.
  • Easy to install and lasts.
  • 3 year limited warranty.

Mighty Line® patented floor tape is the most durable floor tape available. Spend more time on value added actions - producing, receiving, and shipping materials and less time on non-value added activities such as painting floor lines. Mighty Line floor tape is available in many colors and patterns in three different widths.

Diagonal Striped Floor Tapes - By contrasting two standard colors in a diagonal fashion, Mighty Line has constructed a floor tape that allows employees to be made aware of possible danger zones within the work area.

Mighty Line 5S Floor Color Recommendation

SORT: Leave in place only the items necessary to obtain optimal production.

SET IN ORDER: Use colors of Mighty Line floor tapes and floor markers to show work flow patterns, delineate work areas, and mark proper placement of tools, inventories, and machinery.

SHINE: When you keep things scrubbed, swept and sanitized, your environment can actually lift morale.

STANDARDIZES: Ensure everyone knows what they're supposed to do, how best to do it, and when to do it, until it all becomes routine. Our floor tapes, floor signs and placement markets can play a big role here.

SUSTAIN: These practices are more than rules - they must become an integral part of your company culture. Over time you'll adjust signs, markings, etc. as necessary.