Genuine Wire Shelving Stainless Steel Add-On Kit - 5 Shelves 54 Inch High

Manufacturer: Quantum
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FOB: East Coast Warehouse
NSF Approved

Stainless Steel 304 Stainless with an electro-polish finish represents the highest industry standard in the prevention of corrosion. This finish is highly effective for corrosive, high humidity or clean room environments. Lifetime warranty for 304 stainless steel electro-polish finish.

Quantum stainless steel 304 wire shelving carries a lifetime warranty. The 304 stainless with an electro polish finish represents the highest industry standard in the prevention of corrosion. This finish is very effective against corrosive, high humidity or cleanroom environments. Used by display people, grocery stores and homeowners.

Add-On Kits come complete with:

2 Posts
5 Shelves
10 S-Hooks

Additional shelves and posts may be purchased separately. Units with Add-On Kit cannot be made mobile.