Electric Hydraulic Scissor Lift Tables 6000 lbs Capacity - Standard Ship

Manufacturer: Vestil
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse
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Full-featured Vestil Electric Hydraulic Scissor Lift Tables are used by all types of manufacturing and warehouse facilities. 2HP, 460V, 3 phase, 60 Hz totally enclosed motor standard, other voltages available. 3,000 psi hydraulic component rating.

Safety Features:

  • Electric toe guard to protect pinch points during lowering of the table
  • Internal brass velocity fuse to maintain platform height in event of hose or fitting failure
  • 24V AC push-button hand control
  • Maintenance prop
  • Upper travel limit switch to stop table at maximum height

Model number format: EHLT - (width)(length) - capacity - raised height.

Note: * in the table below denotes 6.5 HP 208-230/460V 3 phase (externally mounted)