Super Erecta Pro Metroseal 3 Shelves

Manufacturer: Metro
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FOB: California, Pennsylvania and Tennessee
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Epoxy coated Metro Super Erecta-style frames with removable polymer shelf mats. Lift-off mats can be easily removed and washed by hand or in a wash machine. Polymer shelf mats withstand daily abuse from containers and sharp edges. Robust design provides the strength and rigidity of Super Erecta. Super Erecta Pro shelves can be configured with traditional shelf and accessory options on the same unit for maximum flexibility.

Note: Each Super Erecta Pro Shelf up to and including 48" long has a maximum weight capacity of 800 lbs. evenly distributed. Shelves longer than 48" have a maximum weight capacity of 600 lbs. evenly distributed.

Packaging: Shelves are priced individually and packaged no more than 4 per carton except 60" and 72" lengths which are packaged no more than 2 per carton. Plastic split sleeves are included with each shelf.