Sign Bases

Manufacturer: Ideal Shield

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FOB: Michigan

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  • Portable sign system with wheels.
  • Easier-to-move with wheels.
  • Available without wheels for a more fixed option.
  • Standard colors.
    • Base: yellow, red, blue, black, gray, green, orange. Specify in Comments section when ordering.
    • Post: yellow, red, blue, black, gray, silver, white. Specify in Comments section when ordering.
  • Custom logos available. Call for details.
  • Properly filled bases are at least 175 lbs. depending on fill material.
    • Fill with water, base gel, sand, gravel, or cement.
    • Ships empty at 36 lbs., 22 x 22 x 22".
  • Includes base, post, and (2) adjustable sign brackets.

*Steel surcharges may apply.