Personnel Lifts

Manufacturer: Advance Lifts

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FOB: Our Illinois Warehouse

  • Standard Model & Configurations
  • Carousel Lifts - 10 Year/250,000 Cycle Warranty

CNC-2060 and CNC-2072 Configurations:
B=96"-144" or 102"-168"

CFC-2060 and CFC-2072 Configurations:
A=No less than 48"
B=96"-144" or 102"-168"
A C=No greater than 96"
C=No greater than A/4

CPC-2060 and CPC-2072 Configurations:
A=No less than 48"
B=96"-144" or 102"-168"
A C=No greater than 96"
C=No greater than A/4

Work Access Lifts by Advance are designed to move personnel, their tools and materials to ergonomically sound positions. They enhance both safety and efficiency.