Pallet Handling Conveyors

Manufacturer: Roach Conveyors
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FOB: Midwest Warehouse

  • Eases transport of fully loaded pallets on the dock, plant, or warehouse
  • Rollers run on 4-1/2" centers and are set high or low (specify) on 7/16" hex axles
  • 2-1/2" diameter, 14-ga spring loaded rollers are 50-1/2" wide
  • All welded 4 x 1-1/2" 10-ga. channel steel frame with butt couplers
  • 54" overall width, 51" wide between rails
  • 290 lbs capacity per roller
  • If H-stands are needed, 5'-0" centers are a must
  • Ships knock down

* Also available in 2' through 9' lengths / 90° curves / 11 and 7 ga.

Blue color shown in image is optional... standard color is green.