MW Series Utility Carts

Manufacturer: Metro
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FOB: California, Pennsylvania and Tennessee
Special discounts available for large orders

Metro MW Series Utility Carts are the most efficient way to create mobile space.

  • Consist of Super Erecta wire shelves with plastic split sleeves, two one-piece handles of matching finish, and designated casters with donut bumpers
  • Two- and three-tier models available
  • Ergonomically designed for low-effort transport
  • Precise handling you need to maneuver in close quarters
  • 375 lbs. weight capacity per cart. MW carts use light-duty resilient casters.
  • 18" wide carts have 4" casters. Cart is 38" high.
  • 21" and 24" wide carts have 5" casters. Carts are 39" high.