425S24 Solid Door Commercial Storage Cabinets - 48" x 24" x 72"

Manufacturer: Hallowell
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FOB: Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas or California warehouse
Colors: Tan, Dark Gray, or Black

Lead time: 2 weeks for Quick Ship items (indicated by red model numbers below). Otherwise, 8 weeks for production orders.

Hallowell Cabinet Colors

Hallowell 425S24 Solid Door Commercial Storage Cabinets are available knock-down or assembled. Designed to meet general and office storage, these commercial grade cabinets provide a neat and attractive appearance and will provide ample storage space for supplies and personal belongings. All cabinets feature 3-point positive locking and a chrome plated locking handle with built-in grooved key lock. Shelves are adjustable on 2" centers and have a triple flanged front for added strength of 200 lbs - uniformly distributed.

  • 200 lb. capacity per shelf evenly distributed.
  • Available knocked down or assembled.
  • Double Safety View Door with Positive 3-point locking (top, center and bottom).
  • Plexiglas construction for safety.
  • 22 Gauge Door, 24 Gauge Body, 22 Gauge Shelves.
  • 16 Gauge Continuous Piano Hinge.
  • Cold Rolled Sheet Steel.
  • 4 Full Width Adjustable Shelves.
  • 180 Degree Door Swing.
  • Corner Foot Gussets Provide Added Rigidity and Stability.